Saturday 20 June 2015

My experience with…….

Like most of the girls & women, I not enjoy shopping but am addicted to it. My latest addiction is e-shopping. When I have got nothing to do I start surfing these e-shopping portals and order something. Sometimes the things that I buy aren’t really required but I anyway buy them :P I know most of you can relate it.
I limited myself to few shopping websites initially, since its matter of trust when you are watching the product virtually & don’t really know whether it will be worth your money once you receive it. After few months I got bored of those websites and started to look out for more websites. I did not know whether or not I can trust those websites but I thought let’s give it a try. In these series of blog I will post my experiences with various websites.
Today I will share my experience with

I came across this website through an advertisement on social networking site. I was looking for a specific saree from few days and when I saw the saree I had in my mind in this advertisement I knew I gotta buy it. I Clicked on the link which navigated me to Though I had a look at other sarees and went through the other collection as well, I knew I had to buy the saree I saw initially. I was little unsure whether I can trust the website, so I ordered for COD option which increased the price by 50 rupees.
I am very satisfied with my shopping experience with, Not only I got the delivery of product soon (i.e. within a week of placing the order) but the quality was good as well.
All in all I was very happy with my shopping experience with

How did I find about this website: Through Advertisements on another website
Product Purchased: Saree (Though I rarely wear sarees I still buy them anyways)
Order Date: 28-Mar-15
Delivery Time: Received the product within a week
Satisfaction level: Happy :)

PS: I wasn't paid for this review in any kind